The “Triad” Complete Estrogen Control Stack

$146.00 $135.00 Save 8%

The Triad Complete Estrogen Control Stack May Support:

•Minimized Water Retention
•Minimized Fat Storage 
•Improved Muscle Hardness and Definition
•Maintenance of Gains Post Cycle

The “Triad” Complete Estrogen Control Stack

The Triad Complete Estrogen Control System was designed to support minimized excess estrogen and it may prevent the possibility of “Gyno and Excess Puffiness.”

There are several reasons for estrogen elevation in men, the use of testosterone or other muscle building agents, aging, and or the elevation of estrogen after a cycle of muscle building agents has been completed.

During this time testosterone levels can decline while estrogen levels rise. This may lead to a soft and watery appearance. We’ve combined 3 compounds together which may work to help block, lower, and eliminate potential estrogen related side effects.

Together these 3 formulas may help men achieve a harder and denser look during the course of their cycle and may also help aid in the retention of hard-earned muscle after a cycle is complete.

This particular system can be used both during and after cycle and may potentially minimize excess estrogen and assist in the retention of lean tissue that has been acquired during a “Cycle.”

The time period immediately post cycle is extremely important as it might be the difference between retaining muscle and staying lean and or losing muscle and getting soft.

The “Triad” system may offer complete Estrogen Control Assistance with added Testosterone Elevating Support. Bullet proof your gains and stay lean and hard with help from the Triad Estrogen Control System.

ArimiDX: Take 3 Capsules Daily during your cycle and for at least 5 weeks.

after your cycle has been completed.


PCT: Take 2 Capsules Daily on an empty stomach.


TFactor RX: Take 2 Capsules in the morning and 2 Capsules before bed.</br></br>